On the right sidebar of this blog, I invite friends bloggers to exchange links with fatihsyuhud.com which aims not only to know each other among blogrollers, also serves as a mutual promotion of the blog. I use the Area-Text format that contains links and chicklet / small-image so that those interested can exchange link directly meng-copy/paste code with ease. Text Area Here in the sidebar code that can be replaced tsb dg chiklet links and your own:
<img src="http://fatihsyuhud.com/blog-indonesia.gif" border="0"> </ a>
Copy the code below, insert into your blog </ font>
<textarea name="code" rows="4" cols="25"> <a href="http://fatihsyuhud.com/" title="Blogger Indonesia" target="_blank"> <img src = "http : / / fatihsyuhud.com / blog-indonesia.gif "border =" 0 "alt =" Blogger Indonesia "> </ a> </ textarea>
To wordpress.com
Especially for using such wordpress.com and failed to use the code above, use the following code in the text widget and put your blog's sidebar:
<img src="http://fatihsyuhud.com/blog-indonesia.gif" border="0"> </ a>
Copy the code below, insert into your blog </ font>
<textarea name="code" rows="4" cols="25"> <a href="http://fatihsyuhud.com/" title="Blogger Indonesia" target="_blank"> < img src = "http://fatihsyuhud.com/blog-indonesia.gif" border = "0" alt = "Blogger Indonesia"> </ a> </ textarea>
1. rows =.. is a measure to the top, while cols = ... is the measure to the side. If after posted on the blog was too wide or too long, then changed the numbers in rows or cols as required which in keeping with your blog's sidebar.
2. How to put on wordpress.com, turn on the widget. * TEXT * Raise the widget to the sidebar. And pairs of Text Area code page.
3. How to put on blogger.com / blogspot, click add element -> text html / javascript -> Text Area code pairs.
Greetings blogging,...