Jumat, 12 November 2010

How to Make the WordPress Sidebar Profile

One commentator on this blog asking how to create and install the profile in wordpress and installed disidebar / kolomsisi our blog as you can see the top of the sidebar on this blog or on fatihsyuhud.com.
The trick is not difficult or very easy. Follow the following practical tips:

Do not forget before following these steps make sure your widget is activated.
1. After login -> click "Design" -> click Widget
2. Click the "Add" in the Text or Text widget that will automatically appear in the sidebar;
2. Click "Save Changes"
3. Click "Edit" or "Edit" in the earlier text widget;
3. Copy / paste the following code, and replace the words and the link-image / photo with the words and the link url of your photo

<A href = "http://afatih.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/topi.jpg" title = "A. Fatih Syuhud "> <img border =" 0 "src =" http://afatih.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/topi.thumbnail.jpg "alt =" A. Fatih Syuhud "style =" float: left; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; "/> </ a> blogging culture is a culture of reading and writing in a mass scale. A culture that made the nations advanced and civilized. Indonesia will continue to dwell in the slowdown that is still stagnant in oral culture and are reluctant to reform itself. Every Blogger Indonesia "obliged" to bring his colleagues blogging-with English or Indonesia - are both headed to a new tradition of modern man.
Email: Fatihsyuhud-at-gmail-dot-com
4. Click "Update change" or "Save changes"
5. Done.
1. If you do not upload photos, please upload your photo once a handsome and beautiful in your wordpress.com, or googlepages.com, or flickr.com etc..
2. Copy the link imagenya (usually ending in ". Jpg" or ". Gif" etc.) and change my image link above with your own image link.
Happy blogging,

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