Once we learn and practice how to create a blog on wordpress.com, wordpress complete the following tutorial to understand the menus on the dashboard or Dashboar wordpress. Tutorial wordpress this time I hope to be representative for each of the questions that beginner blogger blogging on wordpress. Another wordpress tutorial series please look at the bottom of this article.
Once logged in, we will directly go to the Dashboard or Dashboard. There were two rows of the main menu. That the top or call it "top menu" is no menu Dashboard (Dashboard), (a) Write (Write), (b) Manage (Manage), (c) Design (Design), (d) Upgrade.
Underneath (I call "under the menu") is the menu (a) Statistics blog (Blog Statistics), (b) surfer Blog (Blog Surfer), (c) feedback I (My Comment), (d) Penyelancar Tags (Tag Surfer .)
1. Function Menus Upper
A. Write (Write): (i) to write a post our writing, (ii) make Page / static pages / menu.
B. Manage (Manage), if clicked will appear 6 (six) again following submenu:
b.1. Posts (posts) to function displays the articles we've posted. We can also edit (edit) writings by clicking "edit" or "edit" in the article to be edited.
b.2. Page (pages), functioning displays static pages / Pages we have created. Here we can edit existing pages or create new pages.
B.3. Link (Link) to add or edit the links / blogroll
b.4. Category (Category), to edit, delete or create new categories.
B.5. Tag, to add, delete or edit tags
B.6. Category Links (Category link.)
B.7. Media Library, where a link or image files that have been uploaded
B.8. Import, to import the file content from other blogs.
b.9. Export, to export the file in the blog to other blogs.
C. Comments (Comment), if clicked will show 3 (three) further submenus as follows:
C.1. Comments, displaying all comments on your blog. Here we can edit or delete existing comments.
C.2. Awaiting Moderation (Moderation Waiting), when clicked will display the comment moderation list that you can edit with "agree" (approve), remove (delete), spam (considered spam).
C.3. Akismet Spam, if clicked will display the comments which entered the list of spam (junk).
D. Blogroll (add link)
When clicked will appear 4 (four) submenu sbb:
D.1. Manage (Manage) blogroll, to edit, modify or delete the link (a link) that exists.
D.2. Add link (Add link), to add new links.
D.3. Import link (Import link), to import a list of links dg OPML or file on our computer.
D.4. Category (category), categorization of links. Differentiate with post categories (see, b.4.)
E. Views (Presentation), if clicked will appear 5 (five) submenu sbb:
e.1. Theme (Theme), displaying a list of templates that we can choose for our blog. Just click the template that we like.
E.2. Widgets, to activate the widget and select the widgets that we want to show in the sidebar.
E.3. Extras, to enable or disable Snap preview. By default (original) is already active, click the tick (unchecked) so as not active. I would recommend this facility Snap off just because it is quite disturbing.
E.4. Current Theme Options, serves to (a) change the blog header. Can be replaced with homemade headers, (b) Setting color and sidebar positions, (c) Filling in personal information to be displayed as data time to comment, and (d) to reset (delete and restore the settings of the beginning.
E.5. Edit CSS, to change the blog template CSS. This is for advanced bloggers, not suitable for beginners.
F. Users (Users)
To add a user / users who have access to your blog as a contributor, co-author, or the subscriber. You can have more than one user to access to your blog.
G. Options (Options). When clicked will appear 8 (eight) submenu sbb:
g.1. General Options, serves to (a) Create or edit a blog title, (b) Slogans (description) blog, (c) Selecting / editing language used on the blog, (e) Etc..
G.2. Writing or Writing Option, the most important in this submenu is menu "Category writing standards." Select from the categories list on what categories will be used in a by-default in the post (I piliha fatih-syuhud category). This means that if I forgot to put the category in a posting, the article will automatically enter the category fatih-syuhud.
G.3. Reading or Viewing Option. (A) Home (FrontPage), select the "Last Post" (already automated), (b) Pages Blog (Blog post), choose how many articles that appear on the main page, (c) Syndication Feeds (Syndicated Feeds), "Show the latest: "select 10;" For each article, show: ", select Full Text (d) enriched feeds (Rich feeds), the love of a tick (check) in all the boxes. Do not forget to click "Update Options" or "Update Options"
g.4. Discussion or Options Discussions
g.4.i. In "normal arrangement for an article:" The most important here is the third box. Love a tick in "Allow people to post comments on articles" in order to open the comments box below each of your article.
g.4.ii. In the "E-mail me every time:" (a) love a tick in the first box if you want to report to your email every one commented on your blog, and (b) love a tick in "A commentary on hold for moderation" if you want to email any comments have moderated. That (b) is specifically for bloggers who moderate the comments box.
g.4.iii. In "Before a comment appears:" (a) love a tick if you want to moderate every comment (suggestion, should not moderated), (b) Love a tick in the "author comment must fill out name and e-mail" if you want every commentator write your email address and website, (c) In "The author comments must have a previously approved comment" should not be given a tick.
g.5. Privacy (Privacy). Privacy options. Love a tick in the "I want this blog appear in search engines like Google and Sphere, and in public listings WordPress.com property." Lest enter the search engine google, yahoo, msn, etc..
g.6. Delete blog or Delete Blog.
Beware! The menu is not open-open, except if you and your blog is tired of life.
OpenID and g.8 g.7 ie domains. This submenu is not so important, the curious please see for yourself.