1. To subscribe to email
2. To subscribe to feeds
3. To view the latest posts, etc.
And you can earn from google, if you have installed the program text or banner adsense from google
To do the burning blog to feedburner, do the following:
1. List your blog: feedburner
Enter your google account
Click the Sign in
2. Will go to the front page Feedbuner
3. on the page below enter your blog address, for example: http://namablog.blogspot.com, for example: http://artikelkomputerku.blogspot.com
then click Next
4. Enter a name / title of the feed, and feed address, click the Activate button Feed
5. Feedburner will do the identification of the feeds that we want, if no errors will appear the next page, click Next
6. The following page will appear, click Activate Feed
7. Once activated process, will be burning (burning feeds)
If there are errors tidah following page will appear
note the url is given, for example http://feeds2.feedburner.com/artikelkomputerku you can later use the browser to see the results.
8. Click Next
9. Click Next, it appears the message successfully