Kamis, 11 November 2010

Various kinds of photo frame

Do you want to add cute photo? Or just a plus variations with a frame. Well here are examples of making a picture frame that quickly and easily because they live picky frame model that has been provided. Because of its already existing type of model is also limited to the existing, but yet we can add a little creativity to great performance. 

Examples of types of frames such as picture below. 


Here is the tutorial: 

Provide your photo will be framed, if not there, ya aja replace with a picture of anything. Especially for your photo should be in duplicate first, because if the picture is damaged, do you still have the original. How to duplicate namely: Select Image, duplicate image. 
Create a new layer, so it appears layer1, as below 

Then make a rectangular selection using the rectangle. 

And the result is as below: 

Next steps: 

Then give the command, the Select inverse to invert the selection 
Then, select a color in Swaches 
Choose Edit, Fill, and make sure the section contains Foregruund Use. Click Ok 
So the frame is formed with a color that was selected earlier in 
The next step is select the type of variation of the frame, select the style section. 
Then for the choice of styles please select an arrow to the right above.......

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